Supplying camera teams
Backbone Film provides experienced camera teams for TV productions and news reporting. These teams are staffed by specialists who have been carefully selected to meet your specific requirements.
ORF, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, has relied on the professional work of our teams for many years.
Camera teams for international partners
International broadcast partners also value our work.
When filming certain subjects and working to tight deadlines, extensive experience of the local culture is a major advantage particularly in Austria.
Producing interviews and urban images or carrying out more complex projects is much easier and quicker when you already have the necessary local knowledge and the right contacts.
Broadcasting assignments:
Al Jazeera – OPEC Tage in Wien
SF1 – Kultur
Rai Uno – Natascha Kampusch
Rai Uno – Anwalt Saddam Hussain
Arte – Dokumentation Handykrieg
CNBC – OPEC Tage in Wien
TV Portugal – EU Lateinamerikagipfel
Spiegel TV – Magazin Beiträge